Wedding - Part One
Officially a family -- and we officially have a blog. Now that the wedding is over I am ready to devote some of that planning time towards our new family blog.
Our wedding day was perfect!! Let me start with the day before when we all thought it was going to storm and moved the wedding to under the tent. I was ok with this--Let it pour. I just wanted to get married. It was time.
I went to bed very relaxed thinking about Mr. A and becoming a family on Saturday.
Saturday morning -- the sun was shining.....and I woke up with hives. I didn't think I was stressed out but more anxious. The boys and I jumped on the bed in excitement! The time spent getting dressed was wonderfully calm. All of a sudden it was time to go....That's when it all hit. I started hyperventilating. All it took was looking in the eyes of Mr. A and it was just the two of us. I am so glad Mr. A and I made the decision to hire a videographer. I feel like so much was missed. We can't wait to get our professional pictures back from Heather, who by the way is a great photographer.