Friday, November 27, 2009
Five Question "Black" Friday
It's Mama M's 5 Question Friday, the blog carnival that poses quirky, fun questions so we can get to know each other better!!
Questions for November 27th: (Thanks to Adrienne and Tyler for their question suggestions!!)
1. Do you do a real or fake Christmas tree? For the last several years I have sadly displayed a fake tree because it was easier for me. This year we are going out together as a family and getting a real one!! No more fake evergreen smell for this house--I can smell it already.
2. What is your favorite Christmas tradition with your family? I love the togetherness of Holidays. My favorite Christmas tradition has to be Christmas Eve story time.
3. Do you celebrate Thanksgiving in your neck of the woods? Oh yes, it is my favorite holiday--the only one that hasn't been commercialized. There isn't anything better than getting together with everyone you love-friends and family-and enjoying each other's company.
And, if many calories do you think you consumed yesterday? I'm not sure but I know that football game shaved off some of them!
4. Have you started decorating for Christmas, yet? Started on Wednesday.
5. What is your favorite Christmas cookie? I'm more of a pie person.
I'm off to eat leftovers....
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Those $70 Red Heels
Levi (on his way home): There is something we haven't talked about before that we need to talk about now.
Me (heading out with the boys for some old fashioned trick-or-treating): Really, this sounds important, do you want to talk about it now?
Levi: I know your feelings about having animals but what if I were to bring one home?
Me: Ummm.....
Levi: I would take care of her.....
Fast forward a few days or weeks, a month maybe. I'm really not sure how long it was because I tend to block horrible some things from my memory, although I do remember it was after she chewed up the bottom of the kitchen blinds!
This was worse than the blinds though, these were those red shoes I spent way too much money on.

These $70 red shoes were purchased on a trip to New York City. After spending way too long in Macy's and almost leaving sans shoes, Levi was a little upset so I clearly had to buy something. I left spending more on a pair of shoes than I have ever spent on shoes before and not feeling to good about it either.
After Sydney got a hold of them I tried to wear them, missing one heel and all, but it just didn't work out. I had to throw them out.
Sydney has chewed up more shoes than I care to think about but this by far was the most destructive thing she has done to me. I have yelled "she's out of here" a few times but from the words of Kaleb "mom doesn't mean that, she's just mad". We love our Sydney.

Friday, November 6, 2009
5 Question Friday
1. What is your favorite "eat" on Thanksgiving? Everything! I love to eat Thanksgiving food especially all the wonderful side dishes. Oh yeah, and the desserts are fabulous!
2. What is the name your best girl friend and the best trait about her or how you met (or heck, both!!) My sister Jamie and I met when we were going into the 8th grade and hated each other from the first minute. We were so different from each other and had lived different lives up to that point. Now she is my best friend on so many levels.
3. What would you say is one of your "weirdest" quirks? I'm not sure OCD is a quirk.?.
4. What is your favorite genre of music? (Hip hop? Classical? Rock? etc.) Definitely depends on my mood but most often I listen to country, christian and hip hop / pop.
5. Are you a Night Owl...or an Early Bird? I'm really not one more than the other. If I have things to do I will get up bright and early with the sunshine but if we have night plans I can stay out and party with the best of them. Most nights though I am in bed by 10:00.
This Blog Hop Brought to you by Mama M. Head on over and link yourself up and if you don't have a blog just answer the questions in the comments.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Ornament Exchange
Co-Hosted by Deals, Steals & Heels and Mrs. Southern Belle to get you in the Christmas spirit!
There are two categories--The crafty type or the shopaholic. They will be taking entries, then pairing everyone up with a similar person to be mailed by December 1st.
Hurry over to sign up, deadline to enter is November 15th!!!!
Monday, November 2, 2009
DIY Award Winning Duck Costume
Then glue strands of the boa around the ankles, wrists, and neck and bunched up for the tail.